Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pricing Out Apples

The apple challenge has certainly made me more conscious about the price and availability of apples. I am a localvore, that is I really try to ONLY eat food that is grown or produced locally and none of that processed stuff that fills the grocery store shelves (ahem, artificial grape flavor added to apples, WJR). Anyway, it can prove to be challenging, especially when trying to find a great deal for delicious apples.

Fret not, Clevelanders, for I have the answer; Nature's Bin offers locally grown Ohio apples for $0.79 a lb! That is certainly the cheapest I have seen it and it is consistently at this price.

Eat on, fellow applers.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, $0.79/lb that's awesome. I need to find a place like that around me. I will post when I find one. Stop and Shop is draining my wallet.
