Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Another Successful Sandwich

Made another tasty sandwich for lunch today. Tasty and apple infused.

The apple portion was half Jazz and half Granny Smith. The rest was turkey and brie. All on ciabatta with some honey mustard. I threw it under the broiler on the handy work toaster oven for a little toasting/melting action.

It looks a little bleached out in that photo, but believe me when I tell you that it was pretty excellent.

Four of the five food groups all in one easy to handle package. I should have thrown some veggies on there to go five for five but I feel like that might have thrown off the balance.  

It seems that while expanding my apple eating options I am also strengthening my opinion that cheese is great on pretty much everything and anything.  Apples are pretty versatile but cheese is the king of versatility.

One question though ... do I call it TAB for Turkey, Apple and Brie or call it TBA for Turkey, Brie and Apple or BAT for Brie, Apple and Turkey? Or perhaps skip the witty acronym and just call it what it is. 

Oh, the humanity!


  1. Looks awesome! TBA was my original thought, but I'd rather say I had a BAT sandwich, cause then people may think I'm eating those blind flying mammals.
