Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Another Point of View

A bit of a counterpoint to the prior post about apples and their pesticide presence:

Apples, apples, everywhere ...
Being published in the Wenatchee World, a newspaper from the Wenatchee, Washington (the "Apple Capital of the World") it's probably not quite impartial. Even the paper's logo has an apple in place of the "O" in "World".  But I suppose biased opinion is what editorial pages are all about and it makes some solid points, so take that, EWG study! 

Also, in my internet travels, I just learned that Wenatchee has a collegiate summer baseball team called the AppleSox.  Awesome.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Top Of The List

Apples generally get honored with all sorts of health benefits but the Environmental Working Group is putting apples on a list with a more dubious honor -- pesticide contamination:

I guess we're going to get poisoned from something anyway so I can't say I'm going to lose a ton of sleep over this but perhaps this list stresses the worth in putting some effort forth to buy local/organic.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

"C" Is For CookieApple

While not really apple through and through, I thought I would post this photo from a friend and fellow Marist alum's cookie making venture, Jackandy Cookies

Lick the screen. You can taste the Nutley, NJ love.

While the deliciousness of real apples seems to be deteriorating as summer progresses, those apple cookies look pretty great no matter what the season.

Jackandy makes cookies for all occasions, apples or otherwise. Take a gander of some of the creations along with pricing and contact info here: or hook up on facebook:

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

slackers, big time

All I am saying is that a lot of the apple consumption, and blogging, has been suffering. Numbers are stagnant, topics tepid.

I did some random Googling about apple related topics: worst apple to eat - the brand kept appearing, but nothing much about gross tasting apples. Most expensive apple to eat actually yielded a lot, some blog with a few good tips on eating on a budget, a post about Adam & Eve (the cost being our souls I guess). Nothing too exciting in the world of apples per Google and let's face it, who looks past the top links.

Short story even shorter, I've got nothing apple related other than I am traveling to the Big Apple tomorrow for a fun filled weekend stalking the band Beirut (tickets for me, anyone?!?), biking around, eating and drinking. <---see you soon, CL!