Wednesday, October 26, 2011

make your tastebuds dance

At work today, I meandered down to the TriBeCa Greenmarket during lunch. I needed to pick up some more apples, and the Red Apple Orchard tent had tons of different varieties. The SweeTangos caught my eye with their fun name and relatively smaller size compared to the Hulk-sized Galas. I'd never heard of SweeTangos before. When I got back to the office I Googled the new apple. Turns out they're a brand spanking new variety. And they've got their own web site... and blog... and tagline!

Also, I just ate one and it's now my new favorite apple.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Label That Cleans

Just when I thought sticker technology would never catch up to the rest of the world, Scott Amron via Amron Experimental, Inc. comes up with this fun/smart/practical produce label invention:

Finally my apples will be labeled and clean!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

will you be in NYC next week?

If so, you should check out Cider Week --